Regulatory and Compliance

Table of Contents

Scope of the Regulatory and Compliance AG Plan

The Regulatory and Compliance AG Plan focuses on reducing the barriers to return for businesses after disaster, primarily by temporarily relaxing bylaws or bylaw enforcement, reducing or eliminating fees, and/or by streamlining permitting processes to encourage rebuilding. Much of this authority rests with local government, and therefore, it is recommended that this AG work closely with the RDKB EOC to establish where assistance is required, on a one-to-one basis.

AG Plan Lead and Committee Members

AG Lead: TBD during a disaster


  • RDKB Bylaw Enforcement
  • Trail Bylaw Enforcement
  • Kootenay Boundary Regional Fire Rescue
  • Planning and Development
  • City of Rossland


Additional Case Management and Support Organizations


  • RCMP
  • Armed Forces
  • Insurance Companies
  • Kootenay Boundary Regional Fire Rescue
  • Local Municipalities (bylaw enforcement, building inspection, public works and planning and development staff)
  • Flagging and Security Companies

Incident Quick Start Checklist

  • Convene the AG committee.
  • Support the Business Intake Centre in conjunction with other AGs.
  • Consult with the Economic Impact AG and determine regulatory barriers to business resumption for impacted businesses (bylaws, restrictions, etc.).
  • Consult case management organizations to determine barriers for impacted businesses.
  • Work with Disaster Financial Assistance, insurance providers and other support programs.
  • Advocate for additional staff in local government to streamline permitting and approval processes.
  • Feed concerns of businesses back to the ERAP Committee, as appropriate.

Inventory of Existing Programs and Assets for Regulatory and Compliance

Regulations and compliance decisions for the local business communities are largely governed by local governments. Direct coordination with the RDKB EOC during times of disaster are critical for the success of this Action Group.


  • Both the City of Trail and the RDKB have bylaw enforcement officers, who in part enforce bylaws that affect our business communities. The individuals holding these positions will need to collaborate efforts and agree on decisions made to relax or suspend bylaws in order to assist businesses during the recovery stage of an economic down-turn.
  • Many of the staff needed to support this action group (bylaw officers, planners, city managers, operations, and public works employees) will also be call upon to assist with emergency recovery efforts, as well as the RDKB Emergency Operations Centre staffing.
  • The RCMP provides security and scene management during an incident but may also be brought into discussions about supporting businesses through emergency events and economic recovery.
  • Local insurance brokers and their national companies can provide guidance, support and advice around business regulation and necessary compliance during emergency events and economic recovery. Hiring a retired insurance broker to support businesses through the insurance claim process is desirable and may be funded through the RDKB EOC.
  • Building inspectors within local government (City of Rossland and RDKB) may be able to advise on matters of business regulation and compliance as it relates to building concerns. In extreme situations, requesting the support of a retired building inspector (funded through the RDKB EOC) may be possible to provide support to the business community.

Action Plan for Future Preparation and Mitigation Activities

  • Local governments and this AG may wish to review and determine what bylaws can be waived/ adjusted in the case of a disaster (for example, increased patio space during COVID-19).
  • Local governments are encouraged to determine methods to waive or relax various bylaws or policies around;
    • Temporary structures, especially for business use.
    • Home-based businesses.
    • Parking in commercial districts.
    • Noise bylaws, especially concerning business or industrial activities.
    • Zoning for particular uses in particular areas.
  • Local governments are encouraged to determine methods to increase the number of planners, inspectors, and other staff (typically through reciprocal municipal agreements or volunteer capacity from associations) to streamline and quicken permitting processes.

Typical Response and Recovery Activities

Some of the unique situations that may require advocacy for businesses during an emergency includes;

  • Providing approval for the use of temporary structures.
  • Waiving or temporarily waiving the need for building permits or occupancy permits.
  • Relaxing parking requirements and payments.
  • Relaxing the need for business licenses.
  • Adjusting zoning requirements.
  • Adjusting noise bylaws.
  • Changing how municipal taxes are paid and when they are due.
  • Advocating for additional staff within local government and permitting agencies to streamline requests from affected businesses.
  • Advocating for the waiving of fees and other costs for impacted businesses with various levels of government.

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